Highlights From This Issue
In this issue we learn about spinning wheels that were made in a small village in Sweden in the 19th century. We are instructed in a method for making corn-husk braided bearings for spindle heads on great wheels. We are introduced to a newly available Canadian database of the 1871 industrial census that provides answers to some questions about spinning wheels in Nova Scotia.
Hjulbäck Spinning Wheels
Kirsi Frimanson was pleased to discover that the neighboring village of Hjulbäck was a center for spinning-wheel production for a very long time. As her collection of these wheels grew, she researched the village and the wheel makers. She shares what she has learned and provides an anatomy of Hjulbäck wheels.
Corn-Husk Braiding for Great Wheel Spindle Heads
Taking advantage of the time at home, Johannes Zinzendorf and Zephram de Colebi surveyed the condition of the spinning wheels in the Hermitage collection. Finding that some of the great-wheel spindle heads needed new braided corn-husk bearings, Zephram developed a method for reproducing them. They outline the steps involved.
A Remarkable Resource in Canada
David Maxwell was introduced to the database CanInd71 by Todd Farrell. It is a transcribed and digitized version of the 1871 Census of Canadian Industries. Searching this treasure trove for information about Nova Scotia, he found the answers to several questions he had about some wheel makers.