Issue #104 – April 2019


• A Spinning Wheel From the Silk Route
• Spin-Well/Made-Well Drum Carders: A World First
• Whence Came the Journey Wheel
• Inquiry: An Unusual Spindle
• In Memoriam: Peter Teal


Highlights From This Issue

We continue our discussion of small spindle wheels as we follow the restoration process for a wheel of unknown origin. We discover the little-known history of drum carders. We learn the inspiration for a popular contemporary wheel and try to find the answer to an inquiry about an unusual spindle. A generous contributor is remembered.

A Spinning Wheel From the Silk Route

Before restoring the spindle wheel that he found at a flea market, Brother Johannes Zinzendorf tried to find images of similar wheels and its possible country of origin. He concluded that it probably came from one of the countries along the Silk Route but never found an exact match. Employing his favorite hand tools, he illustrates the process that he used to replace the missing spokes and make the wheel spin again.

Spin-Well/Made-Well Drum Carders: A World First

In the course of her research on Spin-Well/Made-Well spinning wheels, which she wrote about in Issue #103, Dawn Lawson discovered that John Weselowski, the inventor of the wheels, also designed and manufactured the world’s first drum carders for home use. She describes the origin of these useful and popular tools.

Whence Came the Journey Wheel

After learning to spin on a classic box charkha spinning wheel and later an Ashford Traditional wheel, Jonathan Bosworth explains why he decided to design and manufacture a spinning wheel that combines features from these wheels but also improves on them. The result is the Journey Wheel.

Inquiry: An Unusual Spindle

Martha Davidsohn came across an unusual spindle device while helping a deceased friend’s family redistribute spinning and weaving tools. She is hoping that one of our readers can help her discover the origins of this object.

In Memoriam: Peter Teal

When Jaquie Teal wrote to tell me that Peter had died at age 97, I was working on the latest index. I realized how many articles that he had written for us. He shared his expertise on wool combs, the types of spinning wheels he encountered when he worked in Kashmir in the 1980s, and his fascination with moving-spindle wheels that he replicated. I will miss him.